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Delivery Requirements

Minimum Order: $100 for delivery
Delivery Fee: $15 (Waived if you schedule your delivery for the next day or up to 14 days in advance)
ID Verification: Required for delivery
Ordering from Mr Pronto Is Easy
Here at Mr Pronto, we’re all about delivering top-quality cannabis right to your doorstep in Washington DC, quickly and discreetly. A few taps on your screen, and you’re on your way to enjoying premium cannabis products from top brands.

Expect your order to arrive within 45 to 90 minutes, or feel free to schedule it for a more convenient time.
We offer same-day delivery to all zip codes within our Washington DC service area. There is a $15 dollar delivery fee that is charged unless you schedule your delivery in advance! It’s our way of ensuring your delivery experience is top-notch.

Paying for your order is as easy as it gets at Mr Pronto.
Choose between cash on delivery or multiple card options right on our website. With a minimum order of just $100 and if you’re in our Washington DC delivery zone, you can count on us to get your cannabis to you within the time frame we promise.
Mr Pronto DC
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